Someday is a planner that helps you track what’s joyous and fun. Compared to a common task manager or to-do list, Someday is designed to be spontaneous and casual.

There’s no deadline in the app. Anything suggested to you are prompts and inspirations.

Activities & Ideas

Activities are the building blocks in Someday. They often show up as a colourful card throughout the app: you can give them a name, and decorate it with a colour and an emoji to match.

Activities are things that bring you joy. Ideas are optional, concrete items that belong to an Activity. For example:

Activity Idea
🏂 Go Snowboarding Ski resorts you want to visit or revisit
🥐 Try a New Recipe Recipes you gather from your favourite YouTubers
📖 Read a Book Book titles you want to start reading, or continue reading

Ideas are optional. If an Activity does not need fleshing out (such as “Draw a Hot Bath” or “Take a Walk”), you can leave Ideas empty.

Completing Activities

You can add records of completion to your Activities.

Activities are repeatable, so completing an Activity does not remove it from your list.

With each record of completion, you can optionally attach an Idea. Once you complete an Idea, it will become archived unless you pin it to your list. Pinned ideas can be completed again until you archive it.

You can use Someday as a logbook that answers, “When did I… ?” To retroactively make up your completion history, you can manually add records of a certain date in the past.

Weekly Rotations

Every Wednesday, Someday suggests 3 Activities for you on the main screen.

These Activities are selected based on how long ago you completed them. The longer ago you last did it, the more likely it gets featured for the week.

You have an entire week to work on your featured Activities, and if you complete them, you get a seal of approval!

But keep in mind: there’s no pressure, and you can still pick and complete any Activities on your list. The featured ones simply serve as prompts or inspirations, so take it easy!


Paired with weekly Activity featuring, you can optionally receive a push notification at 10 am on Wednesdays.

If you need a little nudge, you can turn on App Icon Badge that indicate remaining Activities for the week.